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Pantheist Vision Publications


The Universal Pantheist Society publishes articles, essays and other works by Pantheists and Pantheist friendly authors in its quarterly publication, Pantheist Vision and for website publication on Pantheist Net. Unsolicited submissions are welcome so long as they meet our guidelines.

Submission Guidelines

Each submission should contain a cover letter with:

Name, Mailing Address, E-Mail Address, vocation, avocation(s) age,
geographic location, etc.

Accepting poems - (ten -- approx. max. eighty lines each), prose pieces or essays (two -- approx max. ten pages each), plays or novellas (one -- approx max twenty pages).   Query with longer works.

Submissions should hold interest to pantheism and/or the pantheist lifeway, not belittling any other spiritual path.

Acceptable formats for e-mailed or disk submissions:

Plain text (ASCII or ANSI) [preferred]
Rich Text Format
Microsoft Word 7 or lower
WordPerfect 7 or lower

E-Mail submissions perferred.  Format as text, http or attach file as any of the above formats.

If submitting by ground mail, send to:

Universal Pantheist Society
P.O. Box 3499
Visalia, CA 93278

We request first North American serial  and internet publication rights. No compensation. Authors will receive five copies of the edition of Pantheist Vision in which their work is published.

For more information about Pantheism, or questions about this website please contact us at ups@pantheist.net

Pantheism \Pan"the*ism\, n. [Pan- + theism.]
Any doctrine, philosophy, or religious practice that holds universe [cosmos], taken or conceived of as the totality of forces and/or matter, is synonymous with the theological principle of God.

Copyright is held by the indicated organization and/ or author.  All rights are reserved.
All other material, Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Universal Pantheist Society.  All rights are reserved.

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