We seek renewed reverence for the biosphere as the ultimate context for human existence....
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Who we are

The Conservancy of the Phoenix
was incorporated in the state of Wyoming as a non-profit corporation in December of 1997 and received the Internal Revenue Service approval for 501(c)(3) non-profit status in April of 1998. The concept of the Conservancy of the Phoenix began in October of 1996 with the purchase by private parties, of 82 acres of scenic land on Casper Mt., Casper, Wyoming. The philosophy of the Conservancy of the Phoenix is to protect the natural habitat for those who cannot speak for themselves, the birds, the trees, the animals, and the environment. This complex controls an access to the Jackson Canyon wintering habitat of the Bald Eagle and was seen as an opportunity to assist the Bureau of Land Management in restricting snowmobile access into the Eagle habitat area. Acquisition of this piece of scenic property also provides an opportunity to protect a scenic nature area while allowing controlled public access. It is the intent of the Conservancy to provide a vehicle by which landowners and other individuals may donate properties or funds to preserve the natural solitude of nature. It is the belief of this conservancy that human individuals have the right to enjoy the quiet and peaceful solitude of natural environment. The conservancy seeks to preserve that solitude; consequently, motorized access to the lands of the conservancy is restricted to access by written permit only. Walking, hiking, skiing, bicycling, and other less intrusive sports have unrestricted access without fee. Where there is minimal disturbance nature can be observed as it is in a more realistic way with the deepest respect for the non-human inhabitants that share this ecosystem with the human species. The conservancy wishes to present the pantheistic appreciation for all of Creation in a non-intrusive way to the inquisitive mind. .

All species, human or non-human, sentient, or non-sentient, to include the mineral, botanical, and biological existences, contribute to the holistic sum of Creation. In that context we are one with Creation; we are bound together, all that exist affects each entity and each entity affects the holistic sum, hence:
A Greeting and Salutation of Peace & Unity
Encompassing all Existence

Copyright © 1998 Conservancy of the Phoenix, Inc. -- used with permission.

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For more information about Pantheism, or questions about this website please contact Harold Wood at ups@pantheist.net

Pantheism \Pan"the*ism\, n. [Pan- + theism.]
Any doctrine, philosophy, or religious practice that holds universe [cosmos], taken or conceived of as the totality of forces and/or matter, is synonymous with the theological principle of God.

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