For the Pantheist, the "Way of Works" is a valid form of religious
The Little Green Book: A guide to Self-Reliant Living in the 80's by John
Lobell, Shambhala Books, 1981.
This book is a useful guide for consciously ordering your everyday life to minimize impact
on the biosphere. Topics covered include food and diet, healing, education, housing,
energy, gardening, consuming, and more.
How to be a Survivor by Paul Ehrlich & Richard Harriman, Ballantine, 1971.
A doomsday approach is scary and arguably not persuasive (and certainly not
inspirational), but this book nonetheless describes the kind of changes of thinking and
behavior which are necessary on the part of both individuals and society if we are to
survive the ecological crisis.
Diet for a Small Planet 10th Anniversary ed. by Frances Moore Lappe,Ballantine,
The classic has been updated, containing the author's prognosis of the world hunger
situation and the continuing need for eating "lower on the food chain"; the
recipes have been made easier, more varied, and tastier.
The Integral Urban House by Helga Olkowski, Sierra Club Books, 1979.
A description of how even urban living can be made compatible with ecological realities.
Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin, Bantam Books, 1982.
Explores the psychological, spiritual, and ecological arguments for a lifestyle of
voluntary simplicity. Not a "how to" book; but a "why to."